请教一个 curl 返回值的问题,返回值太大

2019-02-22 10:43:21 +08:00
使用 python2
exitcode, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
发现 exitcode 有 8960/7168 这几个值;根据 man page https://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html 中的记录,exitcode 目前最大值是 92 ;上网搜索了一下,只搜到这个
发现,8960=35*(2**8); 7168=28*(2*8); 都是小 code 左移 8 位就得到大 code。肯定有不可告人的秘密,有人知道咋回事吗?
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4 条回复
2019-02-22 14:40:30 +08:00
先查 Python 文档 https://docs.python.org/2/library/commands.html#commands.getstatusoutput
有写 The exit status for the command can be interpreted according to the rules for the C function wait().

再查 Linux man https://linux.die.net/man/2/wait
If status is not NULL, wait() and waitpid() store status information in the int to which it points. This integer can be inspected with the following macros (which take the integer itself as an argument, not a pointer to it, as is done in wait() and waitpid()!):

returns the exit status of the child. This consists of the least significant 8 bits of the status argument that the child specified in a call to exit(3) or _exit(2) or as the argument for a return statement in main(). This macro should only be employed if WIFEXITED returned true.
2019-02-22 16:21:38 +08:00
@ysc3839 不是很懂
2019-02-22 17:43:51 +08:00
@shenxgan 先用 WIFEXITED 判断是否是正常退出,是的话用 WEXITSTATUS 获取返回值。
Python 有内置这两个函数 https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.WIFEXITED
2019-02-25 14:39:42 +08:00
@ysc3839 谢谢解惑,再次感谢。

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