SkyDrive New update for Mac FAILS!!!!

2012-11-17 20:24:36 +08:00

I use skydrive since I start to use Windows 7. Today I use it to keep all my files on Windows 7 Workstation and access from my iMac at home. It is an essential of all my work.

Today, Skydrive gave me the notice that I need to have it updated, then I did, then I tried to restart the service, it just FAILED!!

It said, can not find network connection. Yes I do, that is how I could post this message here!


Could you stop produce incompetent software? It is really annoying.

BTW my British friend said that your Windows 8 UI and App store, including your built-in app are all abomination! Maybe he was right, I shall never trust your product anymore.
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3 条回复
2012-11-17 23:01:07 +08:00
注意上面的 find answers 和 ask a question。是用 搜索框而不是加号来添加新帖子。微软的设计师不懂什么叫 “认知重用” 吗?怎么会有这样反人类的设计?嗯,大概他们是想组织用户发表话题,让他们郁闷的回去。
2012-11-19 02:11:15 +08:00
有新版本了?我这儿没提示更新呀 目前版本:16.4
2012-11-19 05:31:45 +08:00
@Wao 有的,刚我给官网提交了最近的 log,希望赶快能修好,要不就转移dropbox了 哼

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