微软把 WPF 开源了

2018-12-05 10:11:37 +08:00


Today, we are excited to announce that are open sourcing WPF, Windows Forms, and WinUI, so the three major Windows UX technologies will be open sourced. For the first time ever, the community will be able to see the development of WPF, Windows Forms, and WinUI happen in the open and we will take contributions for these frameworks on .NET Core. The first wave of code will be available in GitHub today and more will appear over the next few months.

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23 条回复
2018-12-05 18:02:28 +08:00
.net core 3 也有 fluent design 了
2018-12-06 09:06:20 +08:00
.NET Core 开发是真爽,self contained 跨平台部署也是贼方便,runtime 都不用装了。
2018-12-06 10:02:22 +08:00
v2 的朋友们平时都用什么做 GUI ? qt or wpf,两个那个对找工作来讲更有用呢?

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