Marco Arment 博文讲他去店里看 Surface 的经历,太有喜感了

2012-10-27 18:53:09 +08:00

He started selling me on the screen quality, saying it had a better screen than any other tablet. I asked, “What do you mean? Which other tablets?”

I couldn’t get him to say “iPad”, but he did say it was better than “Retina screens”.

I broke character slightly. “I don’t know, I saw the Retina iPad upstairs and I can’t see the pixels at all on it. On here, I can see the pixels clearly.”

“No you can’t. Where can you see the individual pixels?”

“Right there. See, the left stroke on that capital ‘D’ has one solid pixel on the left and a half-shaded pixel on the right.”

He scaled the icon up to “zoom in”, which, of course, changes what the physical pixels display. “I can’t see any pixels!”

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2 条回复
2012-10-27 19:01:02 +08:00
底下还有段讲不同世界的,跟John Stuart上次辩论讲的Bullshit Moutain异曲同工
2012-10-27 22:20:10 +08:00
微软黑啊---不管怎样,看书了 管我鸟事

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