[导师招生] 香港城市大学计算机博士项目

2018-10-14 17:24:58 +08:00
2019 PhD Student Openings in Applied Machine Learning and Bioinformatics at CityU(HK)

( http://bioinfo.cs.cityu.edu.hk/)

Each Fellowship recipient will receive financial award in the amount of USD169,200 for the 4-year PhD study. The financial award consists of CYC SGS Entrance Scholarship (which covers the tuition and on-campus hostel fees in the first year of research study), and a monthly stipend and a conference and research-related travel allowance. Students with outstanding academic progress in their later years of study may receive a Research Tuition Scholarship to cover their full tuition fees.

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will invite applications for 2019 entry from 1 September – 1 December 2018 (12.00.00 GMT +8 hours). The key milestones and application procedures are as follows:

Step 1:

Applicants should first submit an initial application at the RGC's Online Application System (OAS) (www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd) to obtain a RGC reference number (RGC ’ s deadline: 1 December 2018 [12.00.00 GMT +8 hours]).

Step 2:

Applicants are then required to submit full application, together with supporting documents, to CityU's Online Admission System or ( https://www.sgs.cityu.edu.hk/prospective/apply/notesrp), and quote the RGC reference number (CityU ’ s deadline: 1 December 2018).

Please put down "Ka-Chun Wong" as your potential supervisor in your applications (i.e. please type "Ka-Chun Wong" in the question "If you have contact any CityU academic staff member, please provide his/her fullname." in the Other Information section in the CityU(HK) graduate school application system); otherwise, your applications may not reach us.

Announcement of Fellowship results by the RGC: March 2019

Firm admission offer with regular postgraduate studentship will be given to selected CityU ’ s nominees, even if they are not awarded the Fellowship by the RGC. The admission offer will be confirmed by the University in January 2019.
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4 条回复
2018-10-14 20:34:45 +08:00
so great
2018-10-15 13:21:01 +08:00
2018-10-16 19:31:29 +08:00
@a799870386 问题可以在这里问,如果涉及隐私的话可以发邮件给我 dawnyesky@qq.com
2018-10-16 19:32:39 +08:00
@hosea Please feel free to contact Dr. WONG if interested or help forward to your friends.

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