天啊,我收到了勒索邮件! compensate me $2000! payment via Bitcoin!

2018-09-27 21:15:46 +08:00

肿么办?我在 XXXvideo 看视频时被入侵摄像头了,对方知道我的账号密码!被敲诈 2000 刀,让我转比特币,不给就撕票让我变网红!肿么办??在线等!!额等下··· 台式机并没有摄像头····,我也是闲的为什么要看垃圾邮件,成人第一网站被脱裤了?

I do know 码* one of your passphrase. Lets get straight to purpose. You do not know me and you're most likely thinking why you're getting this mail? There is no one who has compensated me to investigate you.

Well, I actually installed a software on the xxx vids (sex sites) website and there's more, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were viewing video clips, your internet browser started operating as a Remote Desktop that has a key logger which provided me with access to your display and web cam. after that, my software obtained all of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, and e-mail . After that I made a double-screen video. First part displays the video you were viewing (you've got a good taste lmao), and 2nd part displays the recording of your web camera, yeah it is u.

You have got a pair of alternatives. Lets take a look at the choices in details:

Very first option is to dismiss this email message. In this situation, I will send your very own video clip to each of your your personal contacts and consider concerning the embarrassment you will definitely get. And consequently if you are in a romance, how it will eventually affect?

Other choice will be to compensate me $2000. We will regard it as a donation. As a result, I will without delay discard your videotape. You will go forward everyday life like this never occurred and you surely will never hear back again from me.

You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).

BTC Address: 1FDLqJZJXuTyFCPrG7bFMf268qqarLopTX [CASE-sensitive, copy & paste it]

Should you are thinking of going to the law enforcement officials, anyway, this email cannot be traced back to me. I have covered my actions. I am just not attempting to ask you for money much, I want to be paid.

You now have one day to make the payment. I've a unique pixel within this message, and right now I know that you have read this mail. If I do not receive the BitCoins, I will, no doubt send your video recording to all of your contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and so forth. Nevertheless, if I do get paid, I'll destroy the video right away. If you really want evidence, reply with Yes and I definitely will send your video recording to your 13 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, therefore do not waste my time and yours by replying to this e mail.

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93 条回复
2018-09-28 11:49:09 +08:00
hhh 肯定是骗子这点先不说了。

2018-09-28 12:01:27 +08:00
直接甩锅回复 Do you speak Japanese or Korean?😂
2018-09-28 15:49:14 +08:00
直接叫 大吉鸡排 就行
2018-09-28 15:55:49 +08:00
2018-09-28 16:46:47 +08:00
@Xi #63 兄弟 走错场子了
2018-09-28 17:03:15 +08:00
@Xi #63 兄弟 走错场子了
2018-09-28 17:05:25 +08:00
肯定是 pornhub 干的(滑稽
2018-09-28 17:16:02 +08:00
发件地址是一个 Yahoo.jp 的 email 对吧
2018-09-28 17:37:03 +08:00
2018-09-28 17:40:10 +08:00
2018-09-28 18:02:49 +08:00
2018-09-28 18:07:17 +08:00
我的 Google 邮箱都收到了 N 封了,然后我就搜了一堆国骂,回复下,结果那个邮箱貌似被封了?邮件发不过去。
2018-09-28 20:14:12 +08:00
@Xi 兄弟,你这一下子开了几个标签页啊?我推想了一下,一定是低头沉思了一会儿,伴随无意识地浏览其他网页,然后回到 V2 的标签页,直接就给了你的答案了“大吉鸡排”! >_<
2018-09-28 20:19:45 +08:00
你应该回复他 Really
2018-09-29 00:14:37 +08:00
哈哈哈 来回看了一下 发觉今天网页一下子开太多 回错贴子了 抱歉抱歉
2018-09-29 00:14:56 +08:00
@steamEra 对的对的 哈哈哈
2018-09-29 00:15:48 +08:00
@qiulingjieya @Mss 抱歉抱歉 哈哈哈
2018-09-29 00:17:20 +08:00
then,so what ?
2018-09-29 02:58:35 +08:00
2018-09-29 05:11:57 +08:00
我是不介意别人把我撸管的视频放到 91。。哈哈,不过这是钓鱼~

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