cloudcone 真够垃圾的,直接给的 IP 地址,不能 ssh-22,换地址要 0.5$

2018-08-14 01:40:19 +08:00

cloudcone 真够垃圾的,直接给的 IP 地址,不能 ssh-22,换地址要 0.5$!

新开的 vps,从来没用过,能 ping 通,ssh 不能用,告诉我需要 0.5,这是什么道理???

We understand, Moreover, we do not block these IPs intentionally - they were being blocked by your ISP's firewall which we have no control of :(

To place control over that situation, we charge a $0.5 (once off) administrative fee to have your IP replaced to a newer working one where we also ensure that the IP is available in China.

I hope you understand :)

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23 条回复
2018-08-19 19:35:33 +08:00
@tyzrj766 有推荐的么?
2018-08-19 19:41:56 +08:00
改 65522 端口依然无果!~~~
2018-08-19 19:42:09 +08:00
看来只能换 ip 了

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