火热的 Grab 来招人啦!!

2018-07-18 15:57:14 +08:00
Grab Taxi, 东南亚打车公司最近正在招新,主要招 Java Backend Engineer 和 Java Lead,详细信息如下,感兴趣尽快发邮件给 andyafter@gmail.com, 公司很多大牛,有机会来新加坡和西雅图转悠哦:

For Java Backend Engineer:
Be responsible for the backend development & architecture design. Core module programming & tech docs composition.

1. Be skilled in Java design pattern, key language features, memory management strategy and the JVM principles.
2. Master the servlet/springMVC architecture and at least one of the relational DB engines, such as MySql.
3. Preferable if having design & development experiences of systems with both high concurrency and availability requirements.
4. Preferable if being familiar with the popular technologies used in IOT, such as MQTT/XMPP/808 TCP persistent connection protocols.
5. Preferable if having experiences of SpringBoot/SpingCloud tech families, and thoroughly understand the principles and common pitfalls of micro service systems.
6. Master the usage of such server-side caching technologies as redis, memcache.
7. Be familiar with Linux commands often used for debugging & performance monitoring.
8. Be familiar with HTTP/HTTPS communication protocols."
For Java Lead:
1.具备 3 年及以上后台团队技术管理经验;并对前后端系统交互具备一定了解,有定位并解决开发中常见问题的能力。
4.对 Java 常用设计模式和语言机制有深刻理解,熟悉 JVM 运作原理。
5.熟练使用 SpringMVC/SpringBoot/SpringCloud 框架和常见数据库 /数据存储方案( MySql/Mongo/redis ), 了解使用中的常见错误和最佳实践。
8.有外企重点项目开发 /管理经验者优先。"
2409 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
2 条回复
2018-07-18 16:05:59 +08:00
不是 golang 栈吗,怎么 java 都出来了
2018-07-18 16:19:17 +08:00
@0xblock 北京的新 team

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