关于 zen of Python 与实际时间空间复杂度

2018-07-09 12:09:51 +08:00

最近一个小项目 一个纠结的点
div class = "father"
____div class = "child"
____________a href = "#"
____div class = "child2"
____________a href = "#"
____div class = "child3"
____________a href = "#"

像这种情况 是用多条 xpath 精确查找
ch_o = new_html.xpath('//[class="child"]//')
ch_o = [e.href for e in ch_o if e.text ]
ch_t = new_html.xpath('//[class="child2"]//')
ch_t = [e.href for e in ch_t if e.text]
ch_h = new_html.xpath('//[class="child3"]//')
ch_h = [e.href for e in ch_h if e.text ]

还是用一条 xpath 模糊查找再推导式过滤更好呢
list_f = new_html.xpath('//@[class="father"]//')
list_filte = [[ine for ine in oe.xx if oe.xx.text] for oe in list_f if oe.xx ]

测试发现,每多一条 xpath 语法速度就会慢接近一倍

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