有用 jRebel 的吗? 今天我在启动项目的时候发现已经用不了了

2018-07-06 18:57:57 +08:00


We ’ ve made a difficult decision. As of July 5, myJRebel is no longer available.

But don ’ t worry! All myJRebel users active within the last 12 months are eligible to continue using all JRebel ’ s wonderful features by moving to JRebel commercial license at a massively discounted price: $99 (over 80% off the regular price).

Head over to the JRebel buy page and enter the discount code byebyemyjrebel. Be sure to use the same email address that ’ s associated with your myJRebel account.

This special discount is only available until August 2.

Discount terms and conditions

Only myJRebel users active within the last 12 months are eligible for the discount
Only one JRebel license can be purchased with the discount per one active myJRebel user
Only 1-year JRebel licenses can be purchased with the discount

我想问大家有别的热部署方案吗?Jrebel 收费实在太贵了

6733 次点击
所在节点    程序员
24 条回复
2018-07-07 17:31:19 +08:00
2018-07-07 17:34:00 +08:00
@bxb100 有方法吗
2018-07-09 10:39:59 +08:00
2018-07-10 16:26:21 +08:00
3 个办法
1 付费(废话^_^)
2 自己搭建本地 license server
3 用别人的 license server

license server
1 git 上有源码,从下载编译到启动
2 docker 2 行命令
docker pull ilanyu/golang-reverseproxy
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 ilanyu/golang-reverseproxy

xxxxx-xxx-xxx 是 guid, 在线找个 guid 生成器随便替换

激活后,修改 idea 中 Jrebel 的配置项,用离线模式( work offline ),关闭 license server,有效期半年

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