分享一个自动清理 aws elasticsearch 的小工具

2018-06-02 09:38:33 +08:00

分享一个 devops 小工具,用 lambda+python 实现的,自动清理 aws elasticsearch,清理规则 tag 在集群上即可,很方便


Lambda Curator

Lambda curator is a lambda function deletes old AWS ElasticSearch indices using curator.

All you need to do is tagging existing ES cluster.

Getting Started


It's as easy as launching a CloudFormation (or Terraform) stack and setting the prefix=retention_period tag on existing ES cluster. All the required infrastructure and configuration will be created automatically, so you can get started as fast as possible.

A single installation can handle all enabled clusters across all available AWS regions, but can be restricted to fewer regions if desired.

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2 条回复
2018-06-03 00:55:13 +08:00
那有没有自动清理 lambda 和 cfm 的(手动滑稽
2018-06-03 19:12:22 +08:00
@laxenade 你说的这两个,貌似都不适合自动清理啊:)

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