github 托管 git page 的 https 证书过期后无法自动续签

2018-06-01 14:24:44 +08:00

证书于 5 月 30 号过期,尝试在 setting 页面删除域名后重新添加,证书依然没有生成

Setting 页面的提示:

Enforce HTTPS — Not yet available for your site because the certificate has not finished being issued. Please allow 24 hours for this process to complete. ( HTTPS provides a layer of encryption that prevents others from snooping on or tampering with traffic to your site. When HTTPS is enforced, your site will only be served over HTTPS. Learn more.

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7 条回复
2018-06-01 15:25:43 +08:00
等一天就好了 24 小时内会生成成功。到时候再点 Enforce HTTPS。
2018-06-01 16:07:48 +08:00
最好的解决办法就是 邮件建议 github 客服,之前等了五天一直提示这个,一个 email 过去 几个小时就给我搞定了 连 enforce https 还没勾 https 就已经 ok 了
2018-06-01 18:16:24 +08:00
@waruqi #2 get,这就去发邮件
2018-06-01 18:26:19 +08:00
应该在证书有效期小于 30 天就要续签了。估计是续签过程遇到问题了吧。
2018-06-01 21:36:50 +08:00
Github 客服的回复如下,遇到一样问题的可以参考下:


Thanks for writing in! I took a look and it appears that your custom domain is set up using a CNAME record. You'll need to make some changes to your DNS settings before we'll be able to renew the HTTPS certificate for your custom domain.

You'll need to remove your existing CNAME record, and replace it with at least one A record that points to one of the following IP addresses:
Optionally, you can create additional A records that point to the other IP addresses from the list. Additional records essentially act as a backup in case of DNS or CDN issues, so having at least two is best practice, though your site will still function with just one.

Once you've replaced the CNAME record, you'll need to visit your repository's settings page, remove your custom domain and click save, then re-add it again. This will kick off the process of provisioning an HTTPS certificate for your domain name.

Once your certificate has been provisioned, you'll then be able to enforce HTTPS by checking the "Enforce HTTPS" checkbox.

Bear in mind that it can take up for 24 hours for DNS changes to take full effect, and up to an hour for an HTTPS certificate to be requested, so if you follow these steps but are still having trouble, that's usually why.

2018-06-01 22:39:17 +08:00
之前你的域名解析 a 记录 ip 太老 需要换成 github 新的 ip 才行 然后清域名重置下 在重新绑定
2018-06-02 11:36:28 +08:00
Github 自己把* 的 IP 更新不就行了吗? dig 一下发现* 已经是新 IP 了。Coding 也是用的 CNAME 也没问题啊。好奇怪的解析。

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