
2018-05-07 17:19:49 +08:00

Alexa 上中国区 Google 排第10 CSDN 排第 14


6685 次点击
所在节点    程序员
43 条回复
2018-05-08 15:58:10 +08:00
别的不说, csdn 论坛一堆鸡肋内容真的挺浪费人时间
2018-05-08 16:20:01 +08:00
2018-05-09 04:58:11 +08:00
引用 Alexa 官方信息:
As we mentioned above, our traffic estimates are based on data from our global panel, which is a sample of millions of Internet users using one of many different browser extensions. However, we don ’ t just rely on browser extensions. We also gather much of our traffic data from direct sources, including sites that have chosen to install the Alexa script and certify their metrics. It is this unique combination of data from our global panel, plus data from directly measured sources, filtered through our advanced statistical models that allow us to provide you with robust and comprehensive metrics.

由此可见有很多浏览器插件和网站安装了 Alexa 流量统计,这些应该是 Alexa 主要的数据来源。

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