10.6.5 Update Released

2010-11-11 12:03:26 +08:00

期待 10.7 啊~
3868 次点击
所在节点    macOS
4 条回复
2010-11-11 12:04:10 +08:00
* improve reliability with Microsoft Exchange servers
* address performance of some image-processing operations in iPhoto and Aperture
* address stability and performance of graphics applications and games
* resolve a delay between print jobs
* address a printing issue for some HP printers connected to an AirPort Extreme
* resolve an issue when dragging contacts from Address Book to iCal
* address an issue where dragging an item from a stack causes the Dock to not automatically hide
* resolve an issue with Wikipedia information not displaying correctly in Dictionary
* improve performance of MainStage on certain Mac systems
* resolve spacing issues with OpenType fonts
* improve reliability with some Bluetooth braille displays
* resolve a VoiceOver issue when browsing some web sites with Safari 5
2010-11-11 12:12:41 +08:00
2010-11-11 12:20:49 +08:00
@GordianZ 这种太常见了。现在babel的首页没有0.X的时候那么多信息量了。
2010-11-11 12:22:11 +08:00
@GordianZ 收藏了Mac OS X这个节点,进来发现没有相关主题



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