[杭州/新加坡]阿里巴巴 Lazada 技术部 招 Java 开发专家/ Java 开发工程师

2018-02-12 02:12:12 +08:00
Lazada is the No. 1 online shopping & selling destination in Southeast Asia – present in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Lazada helps more than 145,000 local and international sellers as well as 3,000 brands serve the 560 million consumers in the region through its marketplace platform, supported by a wide range of tailored marketing, data, and service solutions. Southeast Asia is the next big internet market and global melting point for the whole world e-commerce. Beside business innovations, Lazada is a fully data-driven company with world-class powerful machine learning and engineering platforms supported by Alibaba. The Lazada data science team comprises of young yet much experienced data scientists. About 30% of them hold a PhD degree in computer science or mathematics, while the rest have strong fundamentals in data modelling, machine learning, deep learning, etc. We are focusing on all kinds of e-commerce business challenges including but not limited to e-commerce knowledge foundations, intelligent operation platforms, marketing, shopping guide, logistics, anti-fraud, and so on. Beside all kinds of strong platforms supported from Alibaba, we are also supported by our own data engineering and tracking team which are based in the same regional office (Singapore).

2016 年 4 月阿里巴巴集团投资并购了东南亚第一电商集团 Lazada,随后利用半年时间成功实现了商家端的整合,目前在快速推进搜索、数据平台等多个业务的海外落地。利用阿里巴巴先进成熟的产品和技术快速提升海外本地电商的能力,帮助阿里生态迅速发展海外业务。与此同时,我们在基于阿里已有平台抽取出一套国际化的全链路系统,从无线手机端到交易链路,从商家业务到大数据和推荐,打造全新的端到端国际电商操作系统,并计划在未来多个海外收购业务中实现复用。2017 年 2 月阿里又投资了印度 PayTM 电商,开启了第二战场,阿里电商国际化进入了快速奔跑的阶段。

在这里你不仅有机会了解阿里商品、交易、会员、营销等核心平台,而且有机会接受极具前瞻性的海外电商业务的挑战,并且需要针对多国场景进行业务抽象和平台剥离,任务的新颖性和挑战性都是前所未有的。我们在招的岗位包含产品、架构师、开发、测试、前端等多种机会,业务涉及电商端到端的所有环节,只要你自信,有能力、有激情,一定可以找到吸引自己的新挑战。加入 Lazada 技术部,和我们一起参与阿里电商国际化,激荡东南亚市场的历程,和我们一起共创阿里国际化的未来!

1、至少 3 年以上 Java 开发经验,编程基础扎实,理解 io、多线程、集合等基础框架。

2、精通 Java 及 Web 应用的开发,深入了解 spring,ibatis,cache,rpc,jvm 等机制与代码。


4、熟悉 Linux 开发环境,熟悉 Tomcat/Nginx/Apache 服务的安装配置,对生产系统故障排查有实际工作经验。



简历投递: jiaolei.jl@alibaba-inc.com
3988 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
7 条回复
2018-02-12 10:52:08 +08:00
2018-02-12 11:29:45 +08:00
2018-02-12 14:01:47 +08:00
@qianyujin 我这边的阿里数据团队需要设计,简历可以发我邮箱 dancang.hj@alibaba-inc.com ,具体再细聊,当然楼主优先
2018-02-13 21:50:38 +08:00
请问深圳这边也有招么,看到官网 lazada 的深圳职位挺多,另外对英语要求高吗
2018-02-21 10:39:47 +08:00
@sysar07 英语有一定要求,至少要可以与老外正常沟通,杭州和新加坡的职位最多,深圳看了下也有职位,有兴趣的话可以先把简历发来看看
2018-07-07 14:28:48 +08:00
mark 一下,请问还招人么?
2018-07-26 16:28:15 +08:00
@v5mark 现在只有深圳的职位了

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