vultr 108 开头服务器阵亡

2018-01-19 10:32:21 +08:00
发 ticket 咨询,得到回复:


Thank you for contacting us.

We have received reports of similar behavior/performance from your specific geographical region. Our testing to date indicates this is an issue at the regional ISP level, which is 100% outside of our control. All Vultr infrastructure is performing optimally.

You'll need to snapshot your instance and redeploy it if you wish to obtain a new IPv4 address, as we cannot manually assign IPv4 addresses. Please make sure that you set your instance's network adapter to DHCP mode before taking the snapshot, as static IP assignments will need to be corrected otherwise. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.

Eric Van Trease
System Administrator
7583 次点击
所在节点    宽带症候群
27 条回复
2018-01-19 16:24:36 +08:00
上次被 Ban 的这次还好。但买了某商家几十刀的服务器,现在开始逐渐失联,商家准备跑路的节奏。
2018-01-19 16:29:03 +08:00
@feverzsj 阿里家的,,以前用的好好的突然就给封了的= =
2018-01-19 16:46:08 +08:00
表示现在我的 108 开头服务器的 s 仍然可以正常使用和 ssh
2018-01-19 19:09:03 +08:00
@timchou 198 不建议,虽然从国内去 ping 值和 107/108 还有 45 之类差不多,但是这个段的 ip geolocation 信息还没更新,到好多 cdn ( akamai/fastly/maxcdn/keycdn/google )都是绕的,只有 cloudflare 一部分直连,建议还是换一个...
另外 vultr 东京的路由还是有点小问题,部分 cloudflare ip (主要是 104 )会绕香港,不过 ipv6 可以全部命中东京...
2018-01-19 19:28:17 +08:00
昨天入了个搬瓦工,年付 19.9 刀! cn2,延时 160ms !
2018-01-22 17:56:35 +08:00
@huaxing0211 19.9 刀转到 cn2 流量会变成 3 分之一
2018-01-27 21:29:33 +08:00
我 47 开头的也 jj 了

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