智能多宿主名称解析在 DNS 范围内其何种作用以及是否需要禁用

2018-01-10 08:56:44 +08:00

如题,在处理安全类设置中有人建议禁用智能多宿主名称解析,我看了半天微软的帮助文档,没有明白禁用这个到底起了什么作用,只是说是和 DNS 相关。希望有大牛能给予详细的解释和说明

4097 次点击
所在节点    DNS
1 条回复
2018-01-10 09:16:05 +08:00
"The feature is designed to speed up DNS resolution on a device running Windows 8 or newer by sending DNS requests across all available network adapters. Microsoft refined the feature in Windows 10 as it selects the information that is returned the fastest automatically."

来源: https://www.ghacks.net/2017/08/14/turn-off-smart-multi-homed-name-resolution-in-windows/

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