红帽软件 Red Hat 招聘测试开发工程师(坐标:北京)

2018-01-03 09:37:43 +08:00

简历发送至 lshi@redhat.com 注明应聘职位及渠道

KVM 测试开发工程师
Primary Job Responsibilities
Research new features and develop test plans Develop, review, and maintain automated test scripts and test cases, both manual and automatic Implement automated test scripts and analyze and summarize the testing results Analyze, report, and track defects Debug software technical issues Operate automated test tools

Linux 内核测试工程师
Required Skills
Bachelor's degree with 3+ years of working experience, or a master's degree with 2+ years of working experience 5+ years experience developing solid skills and knowledge of the Linux platform 4+ years working experience in software testing or development Prior experience with virtualization is a plus 4+ years of solid scripting experience with Bash, Perl, or Python Familiarity with a wide variety of operating system components, specifically kernels Self-motivated, with an ability to work well under pressure Fluent verbal and written English language skills

Primary Job Responsibilities Analyze and test kernel bugs
Develop test cases for kernel patches to prevent regression bugs Identify testing gaps and develop cases to cover them Improve overall kernel function testing Cooperate with other team

Required Skills Advanced skills with Linux components and kernel implementation Comprehensive background in at least one area: file system, network, memory, scheduler, or storage Familiarity with Shell, Python, and C programming Good debugging, troubleshooting, and analytical skills Multi-tasking skills and the ability to work under tight deadlines Flexible and motivated with a passion for testing and examining how things work i internally Excellent English communication skills, both written and verbal An understanding of virtualization is a plus

Linux 内核高级网络测试工程师 职责: 测试红帽企业版操作系统(RHEL)中的网络功能,可能会是 OpenvSwitch, OVN, DPDK, Tunneling, Bonding, Team, VLAN, Bridge, NIC Driver,SR-IOV 中的一种或几种;偏重测试内核提供的网络功能,但是也会涉及测一些用户态包提供的网络功能。有时需要研究 /调查 /学习一些新技术;以自动化测试为主,测试用例主要用 Bash 写,但是也可能需要用 Python 或 C 测试用例。测 bug。

需求: 本科或以上学历 3 年以上相关领域工作经验 至少熟悉这些领域中的两种技术: OVN, OpenvSwitch, DPDK, VLAN, bridge, bonding, team, NIC drivers and Tunneling 熟悉 linux 系统 有较强的学习新技术和解决问题的能力 会写 Bash 或 python 或 C 程序 喜欢做测试;勤奋 英语读写没问题 有 kernel 经验的加分

2081 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2018-01-03 10:23:44 +08:00
2018-01-03 10:47:41 +08:00
请问你们的股票什么时候涨回去。。。财报不错 为什么大跌。。
2018-01-03 11:39:45 +08:00
楼上你们这么拆台真的好吗 23333
2018-01-03 13:31:06 +08:00
红帽会欠你的钱 可笑

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