有和我一样的 V 友吗? Vultr 故障,数据全丢。

2017-11-24 20:57:43 +08:00

先放简单的情况:Vultr 故障,无法登陆,发了邮件过来提示出错,后面上去填了工单,告诉客服我搭建了一个小 WordPress 在上面,写了一些东西,最后一次更新在前天,最后一次数据备份在上个月,希望能恢复数据。

结果:VPS 被重置了,没法恢复。送了 5 美元的补偿(稿费?)。

目前沉浸在数据丢失的悲伤中,距离上一次这样的心情,大概是大学的时候误操作把硬盘里面几十个 G 给弄没了。

邮件 1:

Dear Customer,

Regarding the following subscriptions:
512 MB Server - 104.*.*.* in Tokyo

Our engineering team is continuing to investigate a node failure that is affecting the listed instance. We have attempted extensive recovery efforts to restore your cloud server to normal operations and have determined additional time and resources will be required with no certainty of a positive outcome. You may deploy a backup or snapshot on a new instance to restore service.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team at https://my.vultr.com/support/


Vultr Support Team

邮件 2:

Dear Customer,

Regarding the following subscriptions:
512 MB Server - 104.*.*.*  in Tokyo

In the past 24 hours, we sent notification of a node failure impacting your cloud server listed above.

Despite extensive efforts, our attempts to manually recover your cloud server were unsuccessful.

Our engineering team is currently deploying new instances with the same operating system and IP and you will receive login details in a separate message. You may also deploy a backup or snapshot on a new instance with a new IP if you prefer.

We have already applied a two month account credit for the affected services.

Vultr Support Team
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26 条回复
2017-11-25 11:58:21 +08:00
还是得多备份…… SQL 自动脚本备案发送,附件本地和七牛,so,不担心!!!
2017-11-25 22:32:09 +08:00
2017-11-25 23:01:06 +08:00
我的网站都放到 dropbox 里,然后 vultr 进行跑,这样安全多了 w
2017-11-26 12:09:47 +08:00
使用其他 VPS 时丢失过数据,硬盘坏了把 VPS 重置了,也没有赔偿我任何东西,不过我有写个脚本每天备份 WordPress 到 Dropbox,花了几十分钟恢复了运行没有太过追究。
2017-11-26 14:28:06 +08:00
检查了一下果然有问题,之前每天备份 dropbox 的脚本因为 wordpress 附件越来越大已经传不上去了。 索性直接 scp 回我家里的树莓派,因为之前树莓派反向隧道到了 vultr。
2017-11-27 00:38:48 +08:00

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