
2012-06-07 14:16:03 +08:00
history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;} END { for (a in CMD )print CMD[ a ]" " CMD[ a ]/count*100 "% " a }' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t |sort -nr | nl | head -n10

这条命令可以打印出前十名你使用最多的命令. 最后的10表示10条.
1 170 33.8645% git
2 63 12.5498% vim
3 56 11.1554% cd
4 38 7.56972% ls
5 27 5.37849% cp
6 22 4.38247% zipjs
7 15 2.98805% cd..2
8 11 2.19124% ll
9 9 1.79283% nginxreload
10 7 1.39442% svn
27682 次点击
所在节点    Linux
261 条回复
2012-06-07 14:44:14 +08:00
我不是故意发到linux节点的, @livid 能帮我移到程序员 节点么=.=
2012-06-07 14:59:42 +08:00
1 134 26.8% cd
2 107 21.4% ls
3 30 6% git
4 28 5.6% sudo
5 23 4.6% open
6 18 3.6% php
7 14 2.8% rm
8 13 2.6% ssh
9 13 2.6% clear
10 9 1.8% ping

2012-06-07 15:01:52 +08:00
1 77 34.2222% ls
2 54 24% cd
3 32 14.2222% git
4 8 3.55556% python
5 8 3.55556% gcc
6 5 2.22222% diskutil
7 4 1.77778% which
8 4 1.77778% clear
9 4 1.77778% $whereis
10 3 1.33333% open
我的,,,其中还有错误的啊。。。。泪奔,新电脑,闻起来有钢材味道的macbook pro。
2012-06-07 15:08:34 +08:00
@maozixifa 钢材味道.......一定是某个地方出错了.
2012-06-07 15:13:42 +08:00
1 106 21.2% ruby
2 80 16% rails
3 59 11.8% brew
4 46 9.2% rm
5 37 7.4% git
6 33 6.6% cd
7 31 6.2% irb
8 12 2.4% bundle
9 10 2% gem
10 8 1.6% rake

2012-06-07 15:17:26 +08:00
1 734 20.9894% ll (是ls -lAG)
2 296 8.4644% cd
3 220 6.29111% ssh-***
4 196 5.6048% git
5 105 3.00257% ping
6 95 2.71661% pwd
7 91 2.60223% vi
8 86 2.45925% man
9 77 2.20189% cp
10 73 2.0875% ssh-***

2012-06-07 15:19:07 +08:00
1 1431 14.3114% git
2 966 9.66097% cd
3 782 7.82078% grep
4 623 6.23062% rm
5 571 5.71057% vim
6 348 3.48035% rails
7 320 3.20032% gem
8 260 2.60026% mv
9 260 2.60026% cat
10 254 2.54025% ls
2012-06-07 15:20:26 +08:00
@txx 你是用time看时间的吗,拜一拜
2012-06-07 15:22:42 +08:00
@weihuilee 删文件比读文件多,拜一拜
2012-06-07 15:22:51 +08:00
@tuoxie007 acm 的东西 必然 time ./
2012-06-07 15:25:01 +08:00
1 138 27.6% git
2 81 16.2% ls
3 70 14% cd
4 26 5.2% ssh
5 21 4.2% ps
6 15 3% vi
7 15 3% ping
8 13 2.6% cat
9 11 2.2% jekyll
10 9 1.8% kill
2012-06-07 15:35:30 +08:00
1 979 31.8996% ls
2 637 20.7559% git
3 336 10.9482% cd
4 275 8.96057% vim
5 71 2.31346% sudo
6 70 2.28087% gcc
7 67 2.18312% exit
8 53 1.72695% rake
9 42 1.36852% man
10 38 1.23819% rm
2012-06-07 15:39:39 +08:00
1 2001 20.012% ls
2 1651 16.5117% cd
3 1149 11.4911% vim
4 977 9.77098% git
5 362 3.62036% rm
6 339 3.39034% ..
7 168 1.68017% find
8 160 1.60016% sudo
9 151 1.51015% ssh192
10 149 1.49015% make
2012-06-07 15:43:20 +08:00
1 97 23.9506% root
2 58 14.321% cd
3 31 7.65432% ll
4 18 4.44444% ls
5 17 4.19753% vim
6 17 4.19753% fuck
7 15 3.7037% exit
8 12 2.96296% python
9 12 2.96296% gcc
10 11 2.71605% service
2012-06-07 15:48:40 +08:00
1 130 26% ls
2 110 22% cd
3 34 6.8% curl
4 29 5.8% chmod
5 24 4.8% git
6 20 4% ping
7 15 3% ssh
8 12 2.4% lsof
9 12 2.4% ln
10 12 2.4% grep
2012-06-07 15:48:53 +08:00
2012-06-07 15:51:31 +08:00
实际上我用的最多的是 cat /etc/passwd | grep nologin -v ....

1 215 21.5% cd
2 206 20.6% ls
3 86 8.6% exit
4 66 6.6% cat
5 63 6.3% vi
6 51 5.1% yum
7 40 4% service
8 22 2.2% nslookup
9 21 2.1% reboot
10 19 1.9% rpm
2012-06-07 15:53:10 +08:00
1 151 30.2% dig
2 113 22.6% sudo
3 57 11.4% scp
4 48 9.6% ssh
5 33 6.6% ping
6 30 6% telnet
7 14 2.8% php
8 13 2.6% cd
9 8 1.6% ls
10 6 1.2% whois
2012-06-07 15:58:04 +08:00
1 58 11.6% ls
2 52 10.4% cd
3 37 7.4% top
4 27 5.4% exit
5 25 5% rm
6 19 3.8% nano
7 18 3.6% netstat
8 16 3.2% cat
9 14 2.8% tar
10 13 2.6% ps
2012-06-07 15:58:44 +08:00
1 127 25.4% git
2 99 19.8% ls
3 72 14.4% cd
4 25 5% vi
5 21 4.2% ssh
6 15 3% pwd
7 12 2.4% ping
8 12 2.4% open
9 11 2.2% cat
10 9 1.8% rm

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