stabc "If any part of this info is incorrect, please update it by clicking here (you may be prompted to log in). Simply click “ Edit ” underneath the areas to change in the “ Whois Contact Info ” section. Failure to provide accurate and up-to-date WHOIS information could result in suspension or cancellation of your domain name."
这个是来自 Google Domains 的提醒邮件
“如果上述任何信息有误,请务必通过我们的网站进行更正。(如果经审核上述信息均准确无误,则无需采取任何措施。)请记住,根据注册协议中条款的规定,提供错误的 Whois 信息可能会导致您的域名注册被取消。 感谢您的关注。”
这个是 ICANN 官方给的提醒邮件中文模版
ICANN 哪有那么好心……