
2017-08-24 16:31:57 +08:00

About us 关于我们 Twin Force Pty Ltd www.twinforce.com.au

We are an Australian digital marketing company. We focus on helping Australian small and medium businesses to grow their business by formulating a digital marketing plan, using platforms such as Responsive Website, Mobile & Email marketing, YouTube video, Facebook, Instagram, to promote their business to both local and Chinese communities. 我们总部设在澳大利亚 Perth,是一家 IT 数字营销公司,我们主要业务集中在: HTLM5 响应式网站建设( WordPress 二次开发或 Magento 相关开发),平面设计,广告设计,创意手绘,Facebook, Ins,pinterest,Wechat 运营.

我们想在广州寻找我们一些澳洲本地建站( WordPress 和 Magento 开发)业务的外包,需要您基础功扎实,按时守信,个人或团队都可以,如果您有兴趣,麻烦把您的详细介绍和联系方式发给我们,多谢. info@twinforce.com.au 关于公司介绍文档请下载链接:



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2017-08-24 16:36:52 +08:00

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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.

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