[招聘][Qualcomm][深圳/上海][Graphic 技术] [15-25k]

2017-07-25 17:23:31 +08:00


  1. Excellent skill of C/C ++ programming.
  2. Must have good knowledge of 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES.
  3. Must have good communication skills and be a team player.
  4. The experience of working on GPU driver, 3D Gaming or OpenCL is a plus.
  5. The ability to learn quickly with high motivation.
  6. Strong background of Android/Linux development. The ability to do performance profiling on Android.
  7. More than 2 years of mobile industry experience or if you are a very good fresh graduate, you are also welcomed;


  1. Work with OEM and ecosystems partners to optimize gaming/VR/AR experience for Snapdragon.
  2. Work with game vendors to commercialize Vulkan in China;
  3. Develop graphics features, algorithms (such as OpenCL for AI/DL) etc. for the China market.
2228 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
3 条回复
2017-07-26 14:14:47 +08:00
有几处 openGL 写成 openCL 了
2017-07-26 17:47:06 +08:00
@gen900 没写错啊,确实应该是 OpenCL
2017-07-27 08:21:46 +08:00
@zetasq 搜了一下还真是。孤陋寡闻了

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