如何在 asuswrt-merlin 更改/etc/openvpn 目录下脚本内容

2017-06-23 06:44:51 +08:00
文件都是只读的,因为它是 tmpfs 文件系统?
怎么找到系统默认配置脚本? /usr/sbin 下也改不了只读属性
3081 次点击
所在节点    路由器
6 条回复
2017-06-23 07:20:28 +08:00
mount bind 到 jffs 下再进行修改。
2017-06-23 07:31:28 +08:00
脚本在楼上说的 jffs 里,其他东西都存在内存里了好像
2017-06-23 07:37:59 +08:00

2017-06-23 17:45:22 +08:00
@pathletboy bind 是什么?菜鸟,请鄙视。。。
2017-06-23 17:49:02 +08:00
@Tink 下面的东西我看到了。但是貌似只针对.conf 文件
我是直接替换一个叫做 updown.sh 的文件,不行,还有什么办法吗?我想到的办法是直接写个 cron 脚本。

Replacing or appending content to config files

You can append content to various configuration files that are created by the firmware, or even completely replace them with custom config files you have created. Those config override files must be stored in /jffs/configs/. To have a config file appended to the one created by the firmware, simply add ".add" at the end of the filename taken from the list below. For example:


will be added at the end of the dnsmasq configuration file that is created by the firmware, while:


would completely replace it.
2017-06-23 23:08:06 +08:00
@Tink 理解错了,你的意思是用 postconf。 但是我还是有个问题: 默认脚本有 up updown.sh 和 down updown.sh,但是我在 postconf 里没法加 up 和 down 了,所以应该是用 sed 来替换默认脚本里的命令? 谢谢

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