一加 5 跑分作弊

2017-06-21 08:43:21 +08:00

xda 上有开发者发帖指出一加 5 跑分作弊链接


People use benchmark apps in order to ascertain the performance of their device, and we want users to see the true performance of the OnePlus 5. Therefore, we have allowed benchmark apps to run in a state similar to daily usage, including the running of resource intensive apps and games. Additionally, when launching apps the OnePlus 5 runs at a similar state in order to increase the speed in which apps open. We are not overclocking the device, rather we are displaying the performance potential of the OnePlus 5.


This statement that we received this morning is a bit of a shock to hear, as the benchmark cheating puts the device into a state which is explicitly not how the device will run in day to day usage, and it is representing performance that you will not see in other apps that aren ’ t specifically targetted by such boosts.


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62 条回复
2017-06-21 20:15:49 +08:00
如果是根据 CPU 等系统资源使用情况智能将软件调整到高性能模式,那就没问题,这样做到对软件一视同仁


2017-06-21 22:53:01 +08:00
推荐同学买了 1+,反响不错,不过确实贵了点,,

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