
2017-05-13 10:44:52 +08:00

2017 年 3 月分配的一台电脑,安装了一块 Winyao PCE-8260AC 无线网卡,Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 芯片。安装之后无法正常上网,反复出现 Wifi 掉线的情况,打开 Windows 事件查看器发现网卡驱动反复报 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 : Has determined that the network adapter is not functioning properly.以及 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 : Has encountered an internal error and has failed.的两个错误,然后无线网卡就开始重设,报 The network interface "Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260" has begun resetting. There will be a momentary disruption in network connectivity while the hardware resets. Reason: The network driver requested that it be reset. This network interface has reset 17 time(s) since it was last initialized.警告。反复更新驱动程序无果,另外奇怪的是当这个无线网卡连接 iPhone 开的个人热点时连接正常,从不掉线。 我的接入点使用的是电信光猫接入,连接了一个 TP-LINK TR-WDR5600 路由器。驱动程序。 此外这个网卡的蓝牙功能也有问题,当连接 wifi 时若同时连接蓝牙 wifi 就会掉线,并且连接不上,蓝牙驱动。请问有没有解决办法

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2017-05-13 21:19:51 +08:00
Intel 无线网卡的尿性,不稳定。7260 ac 网络下速度一快立马断( 30m 左右),要重启恢复。

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