大家有收到linode的这个邮件么? 大致是关于这个月20号有半小时的维护

2012-05-15 09:17:37 +08:00
一大早收到 仔细看了下 怎么和us-cert扯上关系了 这个莫非和那CISPA< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_Intelligence_Sharing_and_Protection_Act >有关系?

"This maintenance is required due to a software issue, which our vendor suggested will be made public by US-CERT < https://www.us-cert.gov/ > in a few weeks. Although we strive to keep disruptions to a minimum, this is a mandatory security update required to protect you and our other customers. We apologize for the inconvenience."
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所在节点    Linode
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