digitalocean 这是什么鬼?? 后天控制面板失效!网站宕机。。。。

2017-04-11 21:22:05 +08:00



旧金山的各位 都安好??????

真心唯一的 长处只有 不限流量了。。。。。。

Our engineering team is continuing to work toward resolving connectivity issues in the SFO2 region. During this time you may continue to experience slow or no connection to your Droplets. We will provide another update as soon as possible.

11 hours ago Our engineering team is continuing to work toward resolving connectivity issues in the SFO2 region. During this time you may continue to experience slow or no connection to your Droplets. We will provide another update as soon as possible.

13 hours ago Our engineering team has identified the cause of this connectivity issue in the SFO2 region and is working with our facility vendor to have this corrected as soon as possible.

14 hours ago Our engineering team is aware of connectivity issues in the SFO2 region, and we are actively working towards a resolution. During this time you may experience slow, or no connection to your droplets. We will provide an update soon.

14 hours ago Our engineering team is investigating reports of network connectivity issues in the SFO2 region. During this time you may experience slow, or no connection to your droplets. We will provide an update soon. Show Less11 hours ago Control Panel Connectivity

9 hours ago Our team is investigating a connectivity issue to the Cloud Panel and is actively working to resolve it. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at and the API will be interrupted, and support tickets are currently offline for our support team. Thank you for your patience.

9 hours ago Our team is investigating a connectivity issue to the Cloud Panel and is actively working to resolve it. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at and the API may be interrupted. Thank you for your patience.

10 hours ago Our team is investigating a connectivity issue to the Cloud Panel and is actively working to resolve it. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at and the API may be interrupted. Thank you for your patience.

11 hours ago Connectivity to the API and the Cloud Panel have been restored and we will continue to monitor until it is fully resolved.

11 hours ago Our team has identified the cause of the connectivity issue to the Cloud Panel and is actively working to resolve it. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at and the API may be interrupted. Thank you for your patience.

11 hours ago Our team has identified the cause of the connectivity issue to the Cloud Panel and is actively working to resolve it. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at may be interrupted. Thank you for your patience.

11 hours ago Our engineering team is actively investigating connectivity issues to our Cloud Panel. During this time, connectivity to the control panel at may be interrupted.

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7 条回复
2017-04-11 22:03:43 +08:00
2017-04-11 22:06:27 +08:00
@SharkIng 事故了吧!那么长时间过去了
2017-04-11 22:40:33 +08:00
不限流量? sgp 路过
2017-04-11 23:15:50 +08:00
2017-04-11 23:20:32 +08:00
宕机一天了, sfo1 也很慢,表示新加坡垃圾
2017-04-12 00:11:25 +08:00
2017-04-12 09:51:58 +08:00
套餐那里不是写着 1T , 2T 流量么…

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