关于 pyqt 程序的打包

2017-04-01 17:20:38 +08:00

我在 pyqt4 的项目中使用了 itchat 这个库,程序完成后使用 py2exe 进行打包,然而打包的成 exe 程序运行的时候出现下列错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "itchat\utils.pyo", line 123, in test_connect
  File "requests\api.pyo", line 71, in get
  File "requests\api.pyo", line 57, in request
  File "requests\sessions.pyo", line 475, in request
  File "requests\sessions.pyo", line 585, in send
  File "requests\adapters.pyo", line 477, in send
SSLError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

You can't get access to internet or wechat domain, so exit.


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2 条回复
2017-04-01 19:51:32 +08:00
2017-04-01 20:30:30 +08:00
requests 以来 SSL 吧,看看是不是少证书

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