为什么我配置了 nginx 官方包源,还是无法更新 nginx 到 1.10.3 呢

2017-02-22 14:40:06 +08:00
这是我 apt show nginx -a 命令的结果
Package: nginx
Version: 1:1.10.2-
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Phusion <info@phusion.nl>
Installed-Size: 37.9 kB
Depends: nginx-extras (>= 1:1.10.2-, nginx-extras (<< 1:1.10.2-
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Download-Size: 25.8 kB
APT-Manual-Installed: yes
APT-Sources: https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1:1.10.2-
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Phusion <info@phusion.nl>
Installed-Size: 37.9 kB
Depends: nginx-extras (>= 1:1.10.2-, nginx-extras (<< 1:1.10.2-
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Download-Size: 25.7 kB
APT-Sources: https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1:1.10.2-
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Phusion <info@phusion.nl>
Installed-Size: 37.9 kB
Depends: nginx-extras (>= 1:1.10.2-, nginx-extras (<< 1:1.10.2-
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Download-Size: 25.7 kB
APT-Sources: https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1:1.10.1-
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Phusion <info@phusion.nl>
Installed-Size: 36.9 kB
Depends: nginx-extras (>= 1:1.10.1-, nginx-extras (<< 1:1.10.1-
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Download-Size: 24.9 kB
APT-Sources: https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1:1.10.1-
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Phusion <info@phusion.nl>
Installed-Size: 36.9 kB
Depends: nginx-extras (>= 1:1.10.1-, nginx-extras (<< 1:1.10.1-
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Download-Size: 24.9 kB
APT-Sources: https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.3-1~xenial
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Sergey Budnevitch <sb@nginx.com>
Installed-Size: 2,606 kB
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libpcre3, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.2~beta3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), lsb-base, adduser
Homepage: http://nginx.org
Download-Size: 743 kB
APT-Sources: http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu xenial/nginx amd64 Packages
Description: high performance web server
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as
a mail proxy server.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.2-1~xenial
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Sergey Budnevitch <sb@nginx.com>
Installed-Size: 2,432 kB
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libpcre3, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.2~beta3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), lsb-base, adduser
Homepage: http://nginx.org
Download-Size: 715 kB
APT-Sources: http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu xenial/nginx amd64 Packages
Description: high performance web server
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as
a mail proxy server.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.1-1~xenial
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Sergey Budnevitch <sb@nginx.com>
Installed-Size: 2,360 kB
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libpcre3, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.2~beta3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), lsb-base, adduser
Homepage: http://nginx.org
Download-Size: 652 kB
APT-Sources: http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu xenial/nginx amd64 Packages
Description: high performance web server
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as
a mail proxy server.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.0-1~xenial
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Sergey Budnevitch <sb@nginx.com>
Installed-Size: 2,360 kB
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libpcre3, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.2~beta3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), lsb-base, adduser
Homepage: http://nginx.org
Download-Size: 651 kB
APT-Sources: http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu xenial/nginx amd64 Packages
Description: high performance web server
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as
a mail proxy server.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4
Priority: optional
Section: web
Origin: Ubuntu
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>
Original-Maintainer: Kartik Mistry <kartik@debian.org>
Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug
Installed-Size: 37.9 kB
Depends: nginx-core (>= 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4) | nginx-full (>= 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4) | nginx-light (>= 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4) | nginx-extras (>= 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4), nginx-core (<< 1.10.0-0ubuntu0. | nginx-full (<< 1.10.0-0ubuntu0. | nginx-light (<< 1.10.0-0ubuntu0. | nginx-extras (<< 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Supported: 5y
Download-Size: 3,498 B
APT-Sources: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install either nginx-core (by default),
nginx-full, nginx-light, or nginx-extras.

Package: nginx
Version: 1.9.15-0ubuntu1
Priority: optional
Section: web
Origin: Ubuntu
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>
Original-Maintainer: Kartik Mistry <kartik@debian.org>
Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug
Installed-Size: 36.9 kB
Depends: nginx-core (>= 1.9.15-0ubuntu1) | nginx-full (>= 1.9.15-0ubuntu1) | nginx-light (>= 1.9.15-0ubuntu1) | nginx-extras (>= 1.9.15-0ubuntu1), nginx-core (<< 1.9.15-0ubuntu1.1~) | nginx-full (<< 1.9.15-0ubuntu1.1~) | nginx-light (<< 1.9.15-0ubuntu1.1~) | nginx-extras (<< 1.9.15-0ubuntu1.1~)
Homepage: http://nginx.net
Supported: 5y
Download-Size: 3,490 B
APT-Sources: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages
Description: small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
Nginx ("engine X") is a high-performance web and reverse proxy server
created by Igor Sysoev. It can be used both as a standalone web server
and as a proxy to reduce the load on back-end HTTP or mail servers.
This is a dependency package to install either nginx-core (by default),
nginx-full, nginx-light, or nginx-extras.
4327 次点击
所在节点    NGINX
18 条回复
2017-02-22 16:00:22 +08:00
编译安装咯, Nginx 编译起来很简单的
2017-02-22 16:13:44 +08:00
@daya 编译不方便升级
2017-02-22 16:14:28 +08:00
你添加的是 mainline 还是 stable
2017-02-22 19:57:10 +08:00
@ColinZeb 一直都是编译安装加奇葩模块。。你又不是没事都在升级 (虽然我是
2017-02-22 20:03:19 +08:00

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.6.2
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --with-cc-opt='-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' --with-ld-opt=-Wl,-z,relro --prefix=/usr/share/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock --pid-path=/run/nginx.pid --http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body --http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi --http-proxy-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/proxy --http-scgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/scgi --http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi --with-debug --with-pcre-jit --with-ipv6 --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_geoip_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_image_filter_module --with-http_spdy_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_xslt_module --with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module --add-module=/build/nginx-9ZP8XW/nginx-1.6.2/debian/modules/nginx-auth-pam --add-module=/build/nginx-9ZP8XW/nginx-1.6.2/debian/modules/nginx-dav-ext-module --add-module=/build/nginx-9ZP8XW/nginx-1.6.2/debian/modules/nginx-echo --add-module=/build/nginx-9ZP8XW/nginx-1.6.2/debian/modules/nginx-upstream-fair --add-module=/build/nginx-9ZP8XW/nginx-1.6.2/debian/modules/ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module

--add-module= ??? 这一片一看我就晕了。
2017-02-22 21:33:52 +08:00
@acrisliu stable,我列出的有最新版本但不给我升级,不知道为什么
2017-02-22 21:35:01 +08:00
@wenzhoou 你这个也太旧了, ubuntu 应该不会这么旧吧,如果其他系统的话找个更辛苦的源直接升级就好了
2017-02-22 21:36:16 +08:00
@RobertYang 我也是没事升级啊,编译安装感觉没有包管理方便,我是新手,哈哈
2017-02-22 21:38:40 +08:00
原来的版本如果太老的话 ,那还不如直接 remove 掉重新安装
2017-02-22 22:33:15 +08:00
@ColinZeb 编译到新目录,然后通过软连接来切换版本,太方便了啊
2017-02-22 23:33:21 +08:00
@daviswei 那是切换版本,更新则需要 pull 代码然后编译。而包方便多了,直接 yum update 或者 apt upgrade
2017-02-22 23:42:38 +08:00
2017-02-23 00:05:43 +08:00
apt-get update 没有。。。

要添加 mainline 的才行。

或者你直接去下载 .deb 然后 dpkg -i 得了。
2017-02-23 00:06:10 +08:00
Docker 随便切
2017-02-23 00:51:58 +08:00
我都是自己编译,指定新版的 openssl ,不然不支持 ALPN 连 http2 都打不开。其实编译参数固定了写个脚本很快就搞定了。
2017-02-23 10:29:52 +08:00
@est 有的, 我要的是 1.10.3 不是 1.11.x ,我 po 中也列出来了 1.10.3 ,但问题是不提示更新
Package: nginx
Version: 1.10.3-1~xenial
Priority: optional
Section: httpd
Maintainer: Sergey Budnevitch <sb@nginx.com>;
Installed-Size: 2,606 kB
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libpcre3, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.2~beta3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), lsb-base, adduser
Homepage: http://nginx.org
Download-Size: 743 kB
APT-Sources: http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu xenial/nginx amd64 Packages
Description: high performance web server
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as
a mail proxy server.
2017-02-23 18:38:58 +08:00
@ColinZeb 树莓派的最新系统就是这个了。唉。 ARMv8 的 cpu
2017-02-26 12:06:17 +08:00
@ColinZeb 编译升级也相当方便的

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