[新思科技( Synopsys)_武汉 _Java 软件工程师]

2017-01-18 14:24:07 +08:00
同志们~年前职位推送啦~ 我们共同的目标是——年前面试新公司,年后就入职! 年终奖拿到,好工作也能找到!

如果对我们的职位感兴趣,欢迎投递简历到 jolisa.lu@synopsys.com
另外欢迎关注我们的公众微信号: Synopsys 招聘

福利: 18 天年假+年终奖+12%比例公积金+其他福利

职位: Java 软件开发工程师
关键词: Java 开发,英文良好, 0-10 年经验

Job Description and Requirements

Senior software engineer to maintain and enhance configuration tools for ARC CPU and ARC based subsystem IP

ARC CPU and ARC based subsystem IP products are highly configurable HS and SW IP to provide solutions that are optimal for the application domain. You will be working on the configuration and generation tools for this IP. These configuration tools have a graphical user interface, but also can operated in batch mode. The software tools are mainly written in Java, though some small parts also use C, C++, Python, Awk and Tcl. Customization of the tools for specific products is done in JavaScript and XML. The tools work on both Linux and Windows operating systems. You will be working with a team of HW and SW experts in configurable CPU and subsystem design located in several offices around the globe.


Responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting, debugging and testing software tools for the configuration and generation of ARC CPU's and ARC based subsystems IP products.

- You have a Bachelors or Masters in computer science or other relevant technical engineering discipline.
- You have a good verbal and written command of the English language
- You have experience programming and debugging complex software projects
- You have experience programming in Java
Knowledge of following is considered a plus:
- Knowledge of computer architecture
- Knowledge of JavaScript. XML, C, C++, Awk, Python, Tcl, Verilog, batch scripts
2120 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2017-01-18 16:52:06 +08:00

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