辣鸡 UPS,货到国内给弄丢了

2017-01-09 19:32:42 +08:00

上月 24 号美亚下单买了个 Blue Yeti 麦克风,天天盼天天盼终于显示 1 月 7 号派送,结果没给我派,今天打去 UPS 的 400 ,电话里居然一时间还查不到,结果下午给我回电话说包裹不见了,要走流程。

亚马逊的 400 也打了,等处理结果。货已经涨价了,原价赔我也买不回,我能不能要求亚马逊重新发货?

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9 条回复
2017-01-09 19:37:57 +08:00

2017-01-09 19:47:22 +08:00
@iiduce 谢谢,看来是经验之谈,那明天我就和客服要求重新发货了。
2017-01-09 19:50:31 +08:00
2017-01-09 19:55:22 +08:00
@TheOtherBruce 一路都是 UPS
2017-01-09 19:58:24 +08:00
我的是 IMEX Global Solutions , https://www.imexglobalsolutions.com/,过了一个月,路由表上 0 更新。 你有经历过这家吗?我买的是自营,标准配送
2017-01-09 20:00:09 +08:00
@TheOtherBruce 听说配送商是随机的, UPS 属于不好彩的,之前海淘过几次美亚都没遇上问题。
2017-01-09 20:07:09 +08:00
别担心 联系客服告诉他 ups 和你说货丢了 会给你补发的

2017-01-09 20:09:05 +08:00
不过我问过客服,他说如果超期没收到,可以要求美亚重发,费用美亚负担。用的是 priority , 5 个工作日左右。
2017-01-13 16:42:03 +08:00
亚马逊和 UPS 的服务简直是叼得一逼啊, UPS 能确认的就是件不知道去哪了。 UPS 要求发件方也就是美亚向他们提交查询申请,他们才能出证明件件确实找不到了。我是中亚海外购买的,我找中亚的客服没毛病吧?结果中亚说他们没有渠道联系美亚(我干,你们亚马逊内部居然没有渠道联系,那搞什么海外购啊?),要不就你自己联系,要不就等消息。


The issue you chose indicates you may need us to take action on your order. Please include the following information:

Item name: Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone Space Gray
From:Amazon Export Sales LLC
Carrier: UPS, Tracking #: 1Z6309WA0417377649

Description of issue:

Dear Amazon,
Tell you what, you have no idea how frustrated I am right now. I placed an order in amazon.cn Global store on 24th,Dec.2016, today is 13th,Jan.2017, I still haven't got a clue about whereabout my damn package is. I'd called couple dozen times to amazon CN hotline(4009105668) and UPS hotline, they're just kicking me like a ball.

First I called amazon CN(9th,Jan), they said they would help me to contact UPS and ask them to call me back about the states of the package, which they did so "efficiently", I got UPS's call today(13th,Jan) and they just simply tell me they have no idea where is my package. "You need to ask the sender which is amazon US to file in a request to us "officially" so we can provide any proof to your package."

Then I called amazon again, that's where the funniest part begins, your CN hotline colleague said they don't have channel to get a grab with amazon US, either I contact YOU directly which i am doing right now or wait for a call back from don't know who and don't know when which I am also doing right now.

Please provide me a solution to your problem asap if you still care about your customer.

Ethan Lu


听到她说没有办法联系我都笑了,问她要工号,没有,给你名字吧,那打上来说找谁谁谁就可以找到是吗?不是,我们的电话没有办法转接,只能留言通知那位同事给你回复。那就转你们经理吧,抱歉,我们电话没办法转接,只能留言通知负责投诉的经理给你回复,什么时候回复,一般是 24 小时之内。亚马逊真心屌!

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