美国程序员的 side project 归公司所有,那么中国呢?

2016-12-12 10:34:11 +08:00


The only difference is in the stance of management as to how hard they want to enforce their rights under these contracts. This can vary from:

  • We love side projects. Have fun!
  • We don’t really like side projects. You should be thinking about things for us.
  • We love side projects. We love them so much we want to own them and sell them!
  • We are kinda indifferent. If you piss us off, we will look for ways to make you miserable. If you leave and start a competitive company or even a half-competitive company, we will use this contract to bring you to tears. BUT, if you don’t piss us off, and serve us loyally, we’ll look the other way when your iPhone app starts making $40,000 a month.


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21 条回复
2016-12-12 13:36:35 +08:00
@chocotan 感觉你过于担心了,除非你有开复老师的影响力……

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