关于 Android 的 root 和 ADB

2016-12-04 10:46:12 +08:00

最近趁黑五半价购入 BlackBerry PRIV ,买的时候没多想,过了几天突然发现这手机太安全了不能 root 。

那么问题来了,这手机不能 root 得话,开了 USB 调试连电脑的 ADB ,相比可 root 的机型有哪些功能限制么。用 ADB 可以完成对手机系统文件、设定的操作么,比如更改 Android Captive Portal Server ,或者给某个程序提权?比如 SS 的 NAT 模式。

虽然是 Android 开发,但一直用的虚拟机,主力机是今年刚换上的 lumia 535 ,前主力 NOKIA 2700c 成为备胎。 lumia 535 除了反应慢爱误触应用少别的也没啥。系统挺好看, Windows 10 mobile 。

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所在节点    Android
31 条回复
2016-12-05 08:41:42 +08:00
@qceytzn 这个也是要 root 的啊
2016-12-05 08:57:15 +08:00
>As far as I can tell the Android proof of concept for DirtyCow currently available won't work with SELinux which we know BlackBerry is using. There appears to be a privately-available version that can circumvent SELinux, but that remains to be seen.

>As for Drammer (the specific Android rowhammer implementation), testing it on my Priv revealed vulnerable flips, but again, the publicly-available app doesn't provide a way to translate that into root access. I'm guessing that it's as much a function of the physical age/structure of the RAM as it is the software-based memory allocator. Still, the November patch should tweak the memory manager to make things like this harder.

- Android rooting possible with dirty cow and drammer (rowhammer) - BlackBerry Forums at CrackBerry.com
- http://forums.crackberry.com/blackberry-android-os-f456/android-rooting-possible-dirty-cow-drammer-rowhammer-1089834/
2016-12-05 09:02:24 +08:00
DirtyCow 这个漏洞或许可以试试看?。。
2016-12-05 09:03:35 +08:00
@Explorare 临时 root 就搞成像 iOS 的盘古的那种半完美越狱? v.v
2016-12-05 09:09:51 +08:00
@lslqtz DirtyCow 对 PRIV 这种开启了 SELinux 的似乎是无效的,见 #22.

临时越狱似乎也是做不到的,因为 SELinux 限制了进程的权限,没法拿来执行 su 吧。
2016-12-05 09:13:37 +08:00
@Explorare SELinux ,当我没说。。
2016-12-05 09:21:22 +08:00
@lslqtz 可能是我想错了, SELinux 确实还是会被在一定程度上突破的。但是 BB PRIV 的系统是从硬件层面上特别加固过的,详见:

How BlackBerry Security Begins At The Endpoints | Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog


所以即便做到了临时 root ,重启的时候就会遇到校验错误,但是似乎并不会拒绝启动?

>If a potential compromise is detected, administrators can configure alerts, prevent the device from accessing the corporate network, or even remotely wipe the device.

这个还是得亲自试一试才行。不过砖了就 GG 了,因为 PRIV 没有提供 JTAG ,砖了就没救了(大概)。
2016-12-05 09:23:08 +08:00
@Explorare 嗯, Nexus 5 的 5.0 也是 SELinux ,但是已经被突破了。
2016-12-05 09:50:47 +08:00
@lslqtz 唔,那就等手机回来试试咯。可没有 JTAG 还是心虚。
2016-12-05 09:53:56 +08:00
NOKIA 2730c 顶一个
2016-12-05 09:58:50 +08:00
@hais1992 你的 2730c 用了几年了?我 2700c 是 '08 买的,用到现在依然坚挺。

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