哪儿有硬盘 S.M.A.R.T 各项属性值的权威解释?

2016-11-17 22:23:00 +08:00

百度百科上写的感觉很混乱。 主要是对 Normalized value 、 threshold 、 worst 这三者的关系,网上搜索到的讲得都不一致,名词汉译也很混乱。

RAW DATA倒是很好理解。

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T. 对这三个值没怎么解释。

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2016-11-17 22:39:17 +08:00

"Normalized value", commonly referred to as just "value". This is a most universal measurement, on the scale from 0 (bad) to some maximum (good) value. Maximum values are typically 100, 200 or 253. Rule of thumb is: high values are good, low values are bad.

"Threshold" - the minimum normalized value limit for the attribute. If the normalized value falls below the threshold, the disk is considered defective and should be replaced under warranty. This situation is called "T.E.C." (Threshold Exceeded Condition).


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