
2016-11-02 11:23:37 +08:00

我的账号登录不上了,然后 change password 出现 Internet error , pls try again. 然后我就尝试了多次都无法登录。。给客服发邮件,客服回复的邮件如下。。。


To comply with applicable laws related to commercial transactions, we are conducting a review of your account. During the review, you will be unable to access your account.

Within 2 days, please send the following information for XXXXX to our secure fax line at 1-206-922-5821:

We will send an e-mail within 24 hours confirming receipt. We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image.

If we do not receive this information within 2 days, your account may be closed.

Sincerely, Amazon Web Services


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