Windows 下有什么类似 dnsmasq 的 DNS 服务器吗?

2016-10-29 23:32:37 +08:00

最近想给自己的电脑装个 DNS 服务器,然后玩点花样(试图把某个站点的连接阻止掉)。

原本想试试看 dnsmasq 的,不过它好像没有 Windows 版本。

用 Docker 吧,后来发现 Docker 要 Hyper-V 虚拟服务才能运作,但是正是那玩意当初把我的电脑搞了两次蓝屏,不敢用,只能另寻他路。

刚才 Google 了一下发现一个相关资料:

不过我看了下,这里面推荐的很多解决方案要么文档略复杂,要么程序很旧(最旧的最新版本发布时间都是 2004 年),瞬间陷入选择困难。

不知道大家有没有什么类似 dnsmasq 之类的 Windows DNS 服务器推荐?

Windows 自带的 DNS 服务器排除,我用的不是 Server 版的 Windows 。

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6 条回复
2016-10-29 23:40:56 +08:00
Bind 这个大家伙。
2016-10-30 00:32:23 +08:00
2016-10-30 00:43:37 +08:00
/t/131225 之前 README 有 Windows 的预编译版,不过不知道为什么最近的更新里好像删掉了下载链接
2016-10-30 00:47:45 +08:00
支持 TCP 查询, hosts 通配,带缓存,带 Windows 服务控制
下边是它的 hosts 文档说明

# Note that there's no final '/' at the end of a regular expression. More #
# info about the regular expression engine and its syntax can be found at: #
# #
# #
# #
# A '>' character at the beginning of a domain name is a convenient #
# shortcut for representing all domain names ending with what follows after #
# that character. For example an entry like this one: #
# #
# > #
# #
# Is equivalent (and internally is expanded to) an entry like this one: #
# #
# * #
# #
# When using wildcard characters or regular expressions you can specify #
# exceptions like these for example to filter out all ads.* like domain #
# names except for the ads.test1 and the ads.test2: #
# #
# ads.* -ads.test1 -ads.test2 #
# #
# For easier maintenance of HOSTS files coming from multiple sources it is #
# also possible to "include" external HOSTS files using the following #
# syntax (the line must start with a '@' character followed by a space and #
# then by a relative or an absolute file name): #
# #
# @ AcrylicHostsGroup1.txt #
# @ AcrylicHostsGroup2.txt #
# #
# A line starting with the '#' character (and everything after it if it's #
# found within a line) is considered a comment and therefore ignored. #
# #
# Note: If all domain names are provided in ascending order Acrylic will be #
# able to load them much faster (avoiding a costly sort at the end of the #
# load and parse process). #
# #
2016-10-30 11:10:37 +08:00
DualServer 支持 dns&dhcp
2016-10-30 18:19:13 +08:00
Simple DNS Plus

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