在搬瓦工上买了一个中国电信,中国联通直连的 VPS,买了之后测试发现并没有什么卵用

2016-10-13 10:49:05 +08:00
suyuanhxx  suyuanhxx

我以前就没了一个 mirco VPS ,昨天又买了一个官网上标称是中国电信,中国联通直连的 VPS ,同时我也将 mirco VPS 升级了,我怎么感觉我被忽悠了...
下面是我以前的买的那个 VPS 测试结果 这个是号称中国直连的 VPS alt textalt text

最后总结:我应该退掉那个所谓中国直连的 VPS 吗?还是我的测试姿势不对

917 次点击
所在节点   VPS  VPS
9 条回复
2016-10-13 10:58:02 +08:00
2016-10-13 11:04:28 +08:00
线路和以前并没有发生变化啊,以前就是 QuadraNet 的直连机房,只不过这次单独把这个标出来作为一个亮点,但确实是直连机房。


楼主如果觉得速度达不到预期还是退了吧,反正 30 天无条件退款……
2016-10-13 11:11:06 +08:00
最近搬瓦工都卖出去这么多了,还有什么保障,不过关于搬瓦工是否有限速问题,对方首先能肯定他们自身的网络没问题。。。。以前也通过和 vultr 之类的其它方 vps 进行 wget 传输, 20+MB/s 都是有保障的,至于经过中国电信 /联通以后那就只有哭的份了。

至于其它方, vultr 东京也曾经用过一段时间,其实它家如果没有锐速也同样没什么速度,有了锐速这种单边加速情况就好了很多。但又说不好,总是刚开始用那段时间很好,过个一个月慢慢就降下来了。按照 net_speeder 作者的说法,还是因为 tcp 协议经过那么长的跨太平洋光缆,因为各种设备延迟反复发包造成网络质量急剧下降,所以才有锐速, kcptun , finalspeed 这些神器来解决这些问题。


We monitor our network 24/7 from multiple locations with packet loss statistics obtained every second. I can confirm that we are not currently experiencing any network-related issues, all our customers should be able to push up to 900 Mbit/s.
We recommend using the Interactive Console in the KiwiVM panel to troubleshoot any network connectivity issues inside of your VPS. Interactive Console works even when SSH is deactivated.

If you are still having difficulties, then we highly recommend using a service like http://ping.pe to diagnose the network stability.

If ping.pe shows no issues (no packet loss), then the problem is with your ISP and you should probably speak with them about this issue.

If you'd like us to investigate this further then please send us an mtr report (or WinMTR report if you are running Windows) taken from your location - this is the only way we can help you diagnosing issues like this one.

However please note that if ping.pe shows no issues then no matter what we see in WinMTR report - we can only provide a comment, but ultimately the problem is not within our network.

WinMTR can be downloaded from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/files/Latest/ (make sure to download WinMTR-v092.zip).

How to use WinMTR:

1) Launch the executable, enter your VPS IP address and click Start
2) Wait 1-2 minutes to accumulate some data
3) Click "Copy Text to clipboard" button and paste the report into the ticket.

Thank you.

Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks

2016-10-13 11:14:30 +08:00
瓦工官方意思是用几个月把洛杉矶机房全换成“直连线路”了,只要你 VPS 在洛杉矶,不管多少钱什么套餐都是“直连”。

国内电信 ping 美国 160-230ms 都算正常,高峰期再高点也正常。


上传能有 200 多兆哇,置于为什么到了你这,(中国大陆内)本机从瓦工洛杉矶下载速度只有几兆甚至不到一兆,你懂得

“ During the last few months we worked with our upstream carriers to make sure all our Los Angeles services are available directly via China Telecom and China Unicom uplinks.
This routing is available to all customers at our Los Angeles location regardless of plan. If your VPS is located in Los Angeles, then you are already using China Direct routes.”
2016-10-13 15:04:09 +08:00
@datocp 看来是时候祭出神器了
@yylzcom 先用一段时间,不爽就退了
2016-10-13 15:04:45 +08:00
@JamesR 我觉得我以前的那个蛮好用的
2016-10-13 16:16:44 +08:00
都是 affman 炒起来的
2016-10-14 20:15:06 +08:00
2016-10-15 21:49:59 +08:00
stunnel l2tp 还是被电信限得死死的, kcptun 在电信 8M 1000kb/s 下行,看 1080p 还是有点吃力的,勉勉强强还算连贯, 720p 还是有足够的达到 60 秒以上的缓冲时间。

这下我也搞不清用的什么版本的 kcptun ,不过这是个运行在 mtk7620 openwrt 15.0.1 cc 上面的 kcptun mips 版本,不知道为什么路由里跑的比电脑上的 x64 版本还快,,,,可能电脑 cpu 太烂了。。。而且可能最近这个优酷路由宝不再跑挖矿程序, kcptun 竟然连接了 3 个小时都没断开过。。。

./server_linux_amd64 -l :4000 -t -key xxxxx -mtu 1400 -crypt none -sndwnd 2048 -rcvwnd 2048 --mode fast2 --nocomp &

socks5 服务器端用的这个, https://github.com/felix021/ssocks5 ,没有再经过 ss 做多余的壳加密,受制于路由器性能也只能没有加密才可以跑起来。

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p udp -m multiport --dports 4001:4030 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4000

iptables -D INPUT -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 1085 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 1085 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -F OUTPUT
iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT 1 -d ipipip1 -p udp --dport 4000 -j DNAT --to-destination ipipip1:4001-4030 --random

killall client_linux_mips
while true;sleep 3;do
num=`pidof client_linux_mips`
if [ "$num" = "" ]; then

GOGC=20;/mnt/sda1/client_linux_mips -l :1085 -r ipipip1:4000 -key xxxxx -mtu 1400 -crypt none -sndwnd 32 -rcvwnd 256 --mode fast2 --nocomp -dscp 46 &


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