招兼职程序员 语言不限

2016-09-29 15:58:10 +08:00


We hope you can contact our wechat ID hashed below:


First, we generated a series of string prefixes with lengths increasing by 1. For example, if our wechat ID was helloworld, we would generate: he hell hellow hellowor ... helloworld

Then, for every prefix s, we computed the following hash J: md5(md5(e) + s + md5(s)) [where + is the string concatenation operator and e is 'v2ex']. Finally, we concatenated all hash strings J to form the long hash above!

For example, for helloworld, we would compute: md5(md5('v2ex') + 'h' + md5('h')) + md5(md5('v2ex') + 'he' + md5('he')) + md5(md5('v2ex') + 'hel' + md5('hel')) + ...

For the sake of simplicity, you can assume that our wechat ID only contains alphanumeric characters.

After solving the challenge, please contact the wechat ID that you decoded and send us your resume. You can also access our website by www.wechatID.com know what we do.

Good Luck!

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2016-10-13 17:15:31 +08:00

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