一起来测测电信 ipv6 的内网速度

2016-09-18 15:54:46 +08:00
貌似现在电信大部分地方都分配了 ipv6 的地址了,不过用 ipv6 访问国外的速度太慢了.
想测测电信用户之前用 ipv6 的访问速度如何.
当然也欢迎教育网等其它 ipv6 用户来帮忙测试一下.

测试工具: iperf2
测试命令: iperf -V -c 240e:c2:3403:f300:2276:93ff:fe33:3ad4

此 ip 有可能因路由器重启会变动,到时我会更新最新的 ip.


本人是 20Mps 带宽,上传估计只有五分之一.所以测试的结果应该不会超过 4Mbps .
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14 条回复
2016-09-18 17:40:44 +08:00
C:\Users\cm15006\Downloads\iperf-3.1.3-win64\iperf-3.1.3-win64>iperf3 -V -c 240e:c2:3403:f300:2276:93ff:fe33:3ad4
iperf 3.1.3
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 DESKTOP-LD7T6GU 2.5.1(0.297/5/3) 2016-04-21 22:14 x86_64
iperf3: error - unable to connect to server: Connection timed out
2016-09-18 17:57:40 +08:00
我这边电信分配的是 6to4 的地址
➜ MacBook ~ ping6 240e:10:1000:4902::2
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2002:79e0:aa7::4931:873:6ed:e2ce --> 240e:10:1000:4902::2
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=47 time=950.631 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=47 time=791.640 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=3 hlim=47 time=713.875 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=4 hlim=47 time=943.216 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=6 hlim=47 time=643.018 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=7 hlim=47 time=708.489 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=8 hlim=47 time=639.601 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=9 hlim=47 time=641.772 ms
16 bytes from 240e:10:1000:4902::2, icmp_seq=10 hlim=47 time=643.807 ms
--- 240e:10:1000:4902::2 ping6 statistics ---
11 packets transmitted, 9 packets received, 18.2% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 639.601/741.783/950.631/119.426 ms
2016-09-18 18:01:20 +08:00
@JJaicmkmy 6to4 不是由电信分配的,是由 6to4 协议自动生成的,只要有公网 IPv4 地址就能用。实际流量会绕离你最近的 POP ( IPv4 anycast 地址: )进行协议转换。
2016-09-18 18:12:14 +08:00
@cm15006 地址变了,有空麻烦再试试,谢谢

iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee
2016-09-18 19:36:18 +08:00
@raysonx 我的意思是我的 6to4 是电信搞的。(因为我的电脑、路由器均未开启 6to4 )
2016-09-18 21:49:15 +08:00
@JJaicmkmy 电信有原生 IPv6 ,这个就是,目前国内所所有 IPv6 流量规定走北京 CNGI(AS23911)交换。
2016-09-19 00:43:30 +08:00
4.75 Mbits/sec
话说如何利用起来 IPv6 地址?我是路由器网线接电脑,操作系统 linux , firefox 浏览器还不能自己访问 IPv6 的站点,不知道要设置啥...
2016-09-19 01:07:18 +08:00
凌晨一点钟,在我的美国 Linode VPS 上测试的:
# iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee
Client connecting to 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 45.0 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2600:3c01::******************* port 45168 connected with 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-11.3 sec 202 KBytes 147 Kbits/sec

# iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee
Client connecting to 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 45.0 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2600:3c01::f******************* port 45170 connected with 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-15.0 sec 173 KBytes 94.7 Kbits/sec

# iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee
Client connecting to 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 45.0 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2600:3c01::******************* port 45172 connected with 240e:c0:2038:48c2:107b:e283:257:dcee port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-15.0 sec 159 KBytes 87.1 Kbits/sec
2016-09-19 08:49:51 +08:00
我用的电信不是同一家?没有 IPV6
2016-09-19 16:02:27 +08:00
据说电信分配公网 ipv4 就没有 ipv6 ?
2016-09-19 16:30:35 +08:00
我老家拉的山东电信就没 IPv6 。曾有一段时间被电信改成了内网 IPv4 (依然没有 IPv6 ),被我打电话改回公网了。至于现在内网有没有 IPv6 就不知道了。
部分地区的电信是同时有公网 IPv4+IPv6 的。
2016-09-19 20:19:25 +08:00
@raysonx 我是深圳电信的- -ipv4 公网+ipv6 公网 均有地址
2016-09-20 11:05:29 +08:00
@qceytzn 4.75 Mbits/sec 差不多是我上传带宽的极限.看样子内网和 ipv4 的速度差不多.

目前只想到用 ipv6 来挂 bt 和 pt,毕竟 ipv6 不像 ipv4 需要在路由器配置端口映射才能有速度.只是现在用 ipv6 的做种的少.
2016-09-20 17:25:37 +08:00
家里的 he 6in4 隧道

$ iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f
Client connecting to 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 43.8 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2001:470:19:XXXX port 41886 connected with 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-59.5 sec 256 KBytes 35.3 Kbits/sec


# iperf -V -c 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f
Client connecting to 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 19.4 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2a01:4f8:XXXX port 36353 connected with 240e:c0:2038:2129:29db:145e:cdea:d79f port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-59.3 sec 256 KBytes 35.4 Kbits/sec

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