[美国 GE 通用电气] 前端开发-2-5 年-上海-Work with GE Predix,就像深处中国新硅谷

2016-09-02 17:31:33 +08:00
GE 通用电气正在从传统的工业公司往工业互联网公司转型,我们的目标是到 2020 年成为世界 top 10 的 software 软件公司。
目前我们在 GE 中国总部上海张江诚招前端软件开发,具体内容如下:

Job Description
As a Frontend Engineer at Digital Foundry Shanghai, you will build responsive and elegant frontend applications (based on GE Predix) that deliver focused solutions to local Chinese customers.

• Collaborate with UX Designers to build compelling web interfaces for visualizing, manipulating, and analyzing industrial data
• Collaborate with Backend Engineers to define and access RESTful interfaces in Predix's microservice architecture
• Design and build high-quality web components that are responsive and reusable
• Take ownership of significant features (or even the entire web application frontend)
• Participate in an iterative engineering model based on Lean Startup principles, with short cycles and automated testing and deployment
• Quickly prototype web UIs that allow for rapid customer feedback
• Bring knowledge, best practices, and passion to the team
• Be the type of person you'd want to work with

• Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field
• 5+ years of hands-on experience in an Agile team as a Frontend or Full-stack Engineer
• Frameworks (at least 1): Polymer, AngularJS, React, Ember, RequireJS, A/B testing
• Tools: Git, Jenkins, Gerrit, bower, grunt, gulp, Jasmine, Mocha, SASS, LESS

请将简历直接投至 blair.zhang@ge.com
3484 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2016-09-02 18:10:39 +08:00
2016-09-03 15:39:21 +08:00
2016-09-05 09:53:56 +08:00
2016-09-08 16:24:54 +08:00

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