晴天霹雳,帕斯卡 1080 1070 1060 等显卡永远不会支持苹果系统了

2016-09-02 16:53:34 +08:00

Nvidia would provide drivers, and update their drivers if they would be able to sell new GPUs. Once they do not produce GPUs for any given platform, they will not update them. They cannot simply add Pascal as a version of Kepler or Maxwell to their drivers, because it has different scheduling(for the first time since Fermi it has Hardware Scheduling, compared to static, CPU scheduling with Kepler and Maxwell). It is quite different approach in drivers, and Apple does not allow Nvidia hardware on their platform so no point in updating them for OS X. It would require redesigning of the drivers, quite a lot.
英伟达会提供、升级驱动,如果他们可以销售新 GPU 。可一旦他们不能为某个平台生产 GPU ,那么他们就不会再更新驱动。增加帕斯卡驱动不能像增加个新版的开普勒、麦克斯韦显卡的驱动那样简单,因为帕斯卡的线程调度( scheduling )不同。帕斯卡使用的是硬件线程调度,而开普勒和麦克斯韦是 CPU 软件线程调度。这对于开发驱动来说,是非常不同的方法,而且苹果已经不允许英伟达在苹果平台销售硬件,所以没有必要再让帕斯卡支持 OSX 。让帕斯卡支持苹果系统,需要重新开发驱动,花费很大。

If Nvidia is not able to sell hardware to OS X people - there is no point in development of the drivers. Maxwell GPUs are out of production. You can connect the dots right now.

Im sorry to say but it appears that if Apple will not introduce Nvidia on their platform again, there will be no more new aftermarket Nvidia GPUs on any Apple computers.

我觉得非常遗憾,但显而易见苹果并不打算再引进 Nvidia 的产品到新平台,所以 Nvidia 的 GPU ,也不会再有什么新的售后服务了。
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所在节点    macOS
49 条回复
2016-09-03 15:50:36 +08:00
@shijingshijing 是的。握手!
2016-09-03 16:40:03 +08:00
@YzSama win 界面丑,色彩管理渣
2016-09-03 17:56:26 +08:00
@ljbha007 怎么可能,我自己骷髅峡谷上那块核显已经是目前最好的核显了, 1080P 下连平均 50FPS 都达不到
2016-09-04 11:52:41 +08:00
2016-09-04 13:38:30 +08:00
2016-09-05 02:37:27 +08:00
@mewking 然并卵依旧一堆“果粉”支持傻逼库克
2016-09-06 11:07:20 +08:00
@rust777 好吧 我搞错了 并没有实际测过 只看过 youtube 上运行时拍的视频 画质低一点应该是可以 60FPS 我那个 sp4 玩大多数独立游戏都很轻松
2017-04-12 23:15:54 +08:00
此贴已经过时,但是厨子在笔记本上用 amd ,尽管性能比 N 弱,但还是有节能的考虑的,想让用户在用电池的状况下也能启用独立显卡且保持一定的续航。。。
2017-05-15 07:22:40 +08:00
非常不信的告诉你们一个消息,pascal 已经支持了,nvidia 发布了新的 web driver,支持全系列 pascal 显卡。现在最佳组合是 6700k+gtx1080 ti

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