
2016-07-17 10:37:24 +08:00

准备在 godaddy 上买一个域名,做博客域名。第一次买域名。有必要买隐私保护么?大家买域名的时候有买隐私保护吗?

官方描述: 注册域名时,您的姓名、地址、电子邮件地址和电话号码都会自动发布到网上,大家都可以看见。借助隐私保护,确保您不受垃圾邮件和网上诱骗行为侵害。

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2016-07-21 17:09:42 +08:00
If you want domain privacy and don't want to show people related to domain relating to information then it is necessary to take domain privacy protection.

Some domain registrars offers domain privacy free with domain registration (such as namesilo, namecheap) or some don't offer (such as GoDaddy) it.

You can see big price difference for domain registration price ( for example https://www.cheapsslcouponcode.com/coupons/com ) between those both domain registrars (who are offering free domain privacy and who does not). So as per your need for domain privacy select your domain registrar.
2016-07-28 15:51:08 +08:00
namesilo 买域名的时候 免费送隐私保护?以后续费也是继续送,对吧?

我想买域名绑定的邮箱, namesilo 好像不可以?
2018-10-24 16:02:51 +08:00
2018-10-24 16:03:14 +08:00
在国外注册的 www.xuewentong.com 这个域名怎么样

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