想把闲置的 MBP 当服务器用,有什么好办法嘛?

2016-07-08 17:13:31 +08:00



再用 nosleep 这类软件禁止休眠,但是这样散热肯定就不行了

3936 次点击
所在节点    MacBook Pro
6 条回复
2016-07-08 17:18:06 +08:00
卖掉 MBP ,买一台 Mini ,噪音、功耗问题完美。
2016-07-08 17:24:34 +08:00
09 年款的,估计卖掉比较难吧
2016-07-08 17:27:59 +08:00
@jianyunet 大概估价多少..?
2016-07-08 17:32:52 +08:00
@koloz 不是很清楚,因为加过 ssd ,换过电池,外观也有缺陷,应该比较吃亏,不太了解行情
2016-07-08 17:58:44 +08:00


I wouldn't worry about it. MBP, when connected to a monitor, can run while the lid is closed. It was designed this way. So if you do end up having problems (which I believe is unlikely since I ran a unibody aluminum mb like this for a couple of years without problems), then just bring it to the apple store and tell them it overheats and you would like it to be fixed.


Don't worry; your Macbook will do just fine with the lid closed. It was built with this situation in mind. If I'm not mistaken, the older iBooks and Powerbooks where the ones that suffered after a long time of use with the lid close.
Just a tip: if you are running out of space on your desk, you may take a look a vertical stands. To me they are very worthwhile (got two here at home). While standing on the vertical position, lid closed, my Macbook's 2.4Ghz CPU idle temperature gets only about 2 or 3 Celsius degrees above the temperatures I get with the lid open (and with the computer on the horizontal orientation).


From personal experience, I use my MacBook Pro 3.1 in a HengeDock with the lid closed 24/7. I often use it to do processor-intensive tasks (rendering video, etc) and I've never had a problem. Most of the heat comes out the back by the fans (just like it's designed to do). There's no risk to the computer.


You can place the Mac in whatever orientation you like during clamshell mode as long as it's supported and protected from falls.

I really like the Book Arc stand so that the trackpad area is by the table and all the warmer section near the hinge is up and exposed on all sides to airflow. If you really need maximum cooling, try the SVALT D cooling stand.

Your proposed mechanism should be measurably cooler when you have the CPU generating maximum heat and for some reason the airflow / ambient temperature wasn't cooling things as much as you had hoped. The air trapped in the LCD panel can have a fairly good insulation value and if the surface is soft, airflow under the feet is diminished.

The Apple fans are high quality and likely magnetically suspended or have so little play it's not a concern unless you have shocks or other accelerations.
2016-07-11 13:17:46 +08:00
再更新一下,发现这台 mbp 不支持完全的虚拟化,想用来跑 docker 容器的企图可耻的失败了


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