谁能看看这段 javascript 代码是什么含义?实现了什么功能?

2016-06-29 23:09:21 +08:00
var Namespace=(function(windows){
	var _toArray = function(obj) {
		// checks if it's an array
		if (typeof(obj) == 'object' && obj.sort) {
			return obj;
		return new Array(obj);
	var _namespace = function(identifier) {
		var klasses = arguments[1] || false;
		var ns = windows;
		if (identifier != '') {
			var parts = identifier.split(Namespace.separator);
			for (var i = 0, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
				if (!ns[parts[i]]) {
					ns[parts[i]] = {};
				ns = ns[parts[i]];
		if (klasses) {
			for (var klass in klasses) {
				ns[klass] = klasses[klass];
		//_dispatchEvent('create', { 'identifier': identifier });
		return ns;
	_namespace.use = function(identifier,isglobal) {
		var _varscope =isglobal?windows:{};
		var identifiers 		= _toArray(identifier);
		var callback 			= arguments[1] || false;
		for (var i = 0, j = identifiers.length; i < j; i++) {
			identifier = identifiers[i];
			var parts = identifier.split(Namespace.separator);
			var target = parts.pop();
			var ns = _namespace(parts.join(Namespace.separator));
			if (target == '*') {
				// imports all objects from the identifier, can't use include() in that case
				for (var objectName in ns) {
					_varscope[objectName] = ns[objectName];
			} else {
				// imports only one object
				if (ns[target]) {
					// the object exists, import it
					_varscope[target] = ns[target];
		return _varscope;
	return _namespace;
  cache: true
Namespace.separator = '.';


var _Constant = Namespace('all.constant');
    require(['commonutil'], function(ajaxUtil) {
        ajaxUtil.callrest('/bases/v1/sso/token', function(data) {
            if (data.code == "000000") {
                var _Constant = Namespace('all.constant');
                _Constant.TOKEN = data.data.TOKEN;
        }, {}, false);

1905 次点击
所在节点    JavaScript
3 条回复
2016-06-30 10:58:50 +08:00
require(['commonutil'], function(ajaxUtil) {
ajaxUtil.callrest('/bases/v1/sso/token', function(data) {
if (data.code == "000000") {
window.all = window.all || {};
window.all.constant = window.all.constant || {};
var _Constant = window.all.constant;
_Constant.TOKEN = data.data.TOKEN;
}, {}, false);
2016-07-01 12:03:42 +08:00
@MinonHeart 请问这样做的目的是什么?是防止污染全局命名空间么?
2016-07-04 18:35:47 +08:00
@withrock 方便创建深层次的对象

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