.Net Core 1.0 正式发布了

2016-06-28 10:32:28 +08:00


看 ppt 性能是 Node.js 的 8 倍, java 的 2 倍, Go 的 3 倍


NetEase, a leading IT company in China, provides online services for content, gaming, social media, communications and commerce, needed to stay on the leading edge of the ever-evolving mobile games space and chose .NET Core for their back end services. When compared to their previous Java back-end architecture: “.NET Core has reduced our release cycle by 20% and cost on engineering resources by 30%.” When speaking about the throughput improvements and cost savings: “ Additionally, it has made it possible to reduce the number of VMs needed in production by half.”

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所在节点    .NET
42 条回复
2016-07-12 17:00:56 +08:00
@Smirnoff 回复这个帖不想开语言地图炮(虽然我经常这么干并且真的从心底不喜欢 go 并且在本站多次炮打 golang ),但是理论上来说,有 泛型的语言, JIT 或者生成 Native Code 的时候,大多数情况下能够优化得比没有泛型的语言快。
2016-07-18 12:31:15 +08:00

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