XcodeGhost 余孽未尽啊,没错 iOS QQ 说的就是你

2016-06-21 00:17:56 +08:00

今天早晨收到了 IT 部门的邮件,在我的 iOS 设备上检测到了 xcodeghost ,要自带所有 iOS 设备到 IT 部门报到

We have received notification from the IT Security department that your computer has been infected with a virus named IOS/OSX XcodeGhost Infection. Per that notification, we have quarantined your account until you have complied with the following requirements.

You must bring all of your Apple devices: iPhones and iPads to the IT help desk located at xxx. This type of infection is only affecting mobile Apple devices. Because of the nature of the infection, you will not be able to scan the devices yourself. Please act quickly.

报道之后 IT 小哥调出我的账号记录说是一个叫 QQ 的 app ,要我当着他的面删掉所有 QQ 才解冻账号

我的 iOS 所有 app 都是更新到最新的,所以 QQ 也是 16.5.30 更新的 6.3.5

6314 次点击
所在节点    iOS
45 条回复
2016-06-21 22:02:55 +08:00
@akring 昨天在 IT 删掉了 QQ ,事后删掉了营业厅又在一个手机上装回了 QQ 。还没来得及登陆今天又收到了邮件,一会还要去一趟 IT
2016-06-21 22:07:35 +08:00
@akring 营业厅可以确定是最新的,昨天重装了 QQ 又收到警告了,装上了还没登录
2016-06-21 22:13:56 +08:00

不过贵司的 IT 部门意识还是很好的!
2016-06-21 23:00:23 +08:00
@ufjfeng 让你们 IT 把出发安全规则的请求拉出来看看 URL ,不然这种事根本查不清。
2016-06-22 18:32:30 +08:00
@hljjhb 没喷,理性思考。

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