问题跟这个帖子一样,除了 sf 的答案,有没有更简单的?
https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28459856/Preserving-Tag-Order-With-Python's-XMLTODICT.htmlI recently developed something that would change attributes, calculate word counts, and change spellings for certain words based on a set of rules defined in Python. I originally made the service by taking the XML file and turning it into a Python dictionary and then sorting through it that way. I used the xmltodict Python library, and I got the correct results without too much coding.
<Fragment>Some text is here</Fragment>
The result is a dictionary structured as follows:
Content {
=> Marker = array(["NOISE", "INTERRUPTION"])
=> Fragment = "Some text is here"
The specification for the XML changed and I am now realising the limitations of my original solution. Let me explain:
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