
2016-05-30 15:02:30 +08:00

一直把 / 念成反斜杠,刚刚和同事聊起来,一查才知道,原来这根本是错的。

This is a slash: /. Because the top of it leans forward, it is sometimes called a “ forward slash.”

This is a backslash: . Notice the way it leans back, distinguishing it from the regular slash.

来自这本 Common Errors in English Usage

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22 条回复
2016-06-01 01:45:01 +08:00
八 正 反 / \ 正 反 这么记
2016-06-01 06:14:06 +08:00
@baichi 少年很有想法嘛。

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